Friday, December 26, 2008


I got gift cards from for Christmas and was able to swing a 580EXII for Christmas. I mostly just bounced off the ceiling for our Christmas pics which seems to give this skylight effect but I was so happy it arrived in time!
It was a great Christmas, for real. My dad gave my big kid a Lionel Polar Express train and it made for the quintessential Christmas moment. I hope the recipient remembers it as along as the giver and the observers:


  1. That looks great I love the light that flash gave this precious photo! Very nice work!

  2. Love the pic! Nice flash :) Glad you guys had a great Christmas!

  3. I love the skylight effect! I wish my flash had done as well on my pics! :) Merry Christmas!

  4. I thought I commented befoe, guess not, LOL

    Love these photo's (including those not posted ;)

    Hope you had a great christmas, and you and them are all enjoying your toys ;)
